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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Trinidad and Tobago Cultural Village / Cultural Festival

So for everyone that is interested and has been asking about the Trinidad and Tobago Culture Fest from the 25th July -25th August (see earlier post)

The event is FREE, but for some events you will have to register on-line to get the FREE tickets in order to enter ( eg...for all the concerts that are scheduled )

All relevant information and links you will need are listed below :

Info - Trinidad and Tobago High Commission 

Tickets - Trinidad Cultural Village - eventbrite

Event Schedule Trinidad Cultural Village

Rotterdam Carnival!!!!!!!

This weekend its all about Rotterdam Carnival!!!!! 27th -28th July 2012

Poison UK has some pretty amazing Rotterdam Carnival Package deals inclusive of travel,hotel stay,sightseeing tour,t shirt section or pretty costume section...all varied in prices,so see site for more information on how to register and book you can also have a look at the costume if you wish to play in costume

Poison UK

But if you wish to travel on your own and not take party in the street parade,you can have a look at the Zomer Carnival sight and check carnival routes, and fetes that's on from the 27th-29th and book your own travel and hotel stay yourself.

Zomer Carnival

Either way it will be a great experience if you have never been to Rotterdam Carnival....

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mini Carnival at London Heathrow Airport

Mini Carnival at London Heathrow Airport!!!!!!!

I must commend all parties involved for flying the Trinidad and Tobago flag very HIGH in London-town this morning.

Bright and early all arrivals and departures at London Heathrow were treated to the sweet sounds of Steel Pan, and dazzled with the beauty of Our Colourful UK mas bands carnival costumes. Beauty!!!!

If Londoners and/or foreigners didn't know about Trinidad before...well this morning they were given a brief lesson of Trinidad and our culture. :)

As part of the Trinidad and Tobago High Commission in London's Cultural Fest for the the Olympic season....they organised a mini warm meet and greet celebration for all the Trinidad Olympic hopefuls and others.

Entertainment provided ; a Steel orchestra and a snippet of what UK Carnival has to offer with costumes, from some well known UK mas bands : Bacchanalia , Mass with a difference (part of the Poison uk line up) and Shipwrecked

See photos below.

Photo credit : Trinidad and Tobago Cultural Village
Round of applause for a great showcase..Well done guys!!!! :)

see more photos HERE

Would you wear????? Spice Carnival

So I saw Trinidad Carnival Diary posted about Spice Carnival  2013 Presentation and these 2 costumes (see below) stood out to me, not because of their beauty (which I might add the costumes are beautiful : colour wise and the feathered backpack ) .......BUT because of the shear nakedness of it all made me pause and stare ......

I know that carnival costumes has evolved greatly over the years from ; the simple changes of regular sections to, front-line and back-line where back-line costumes are basically a panty and a bra with beads that u can probably count the amount using your fingers and toes, the reduction in the amount of material used,even the amount of beads and rhinestones has dwindled and the drastic change in Costume Prices...eeeshhh!!!!!......but now its seems like we have almost reached (a little push more and we there) to Brazil standard carnival costumes.. sigh!!!!

These costumes although it  may be good for Trinidad hot sun...i definitely don't think they will ever be practical to UK`s Nottinghill Carnival and the sporadic weather..

Hot sun or rain, Trinidad or UK, i  think the wire bras and Brazil underwear is a bit much for me and I for one defo won't be wearing them... that's just me!!!!

Will you wear them ? i.e the 1) wire bras and 2) the hi cut bikini bottoms (Brazil bikinis) 

Monday 16 July 2012

Trinidad & Tobago Culture Fest in London

Love that 'We' Trinis are in the spotlight. This will be an excellent event showcasing all that is T&T in London for all who didn't know. and its free i  say you all make a stop ...cause i will :)

Please see OTHER POST for more details on The Culture Fest.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

What Band You playing with????? SOLD OUT BANDS

Have you all decided what bands and sections you all are playing with????????

Time is running out and so are the costumes...Here is a brief list of Mass bands and their sections that have sold out .....


BACCHANALIA - ALL their front line sections are sold out...and I am sure the other sections are going fast as well .... My favourite from this band is Irin :) love it... I honestly think Bacchanalia came really good this year

Irin Front Line SOLD OUT Nephilim Front Line SOLD OUT

Angels of the Abyss Front Line SOLD OUT Messenger Front Line SOLD OUT

BURROKEETS - they have 4 sections this year and 2 of which are sold out and based on their Facebook page the other sections are swiftly going. Get moving and register.

Carnival - SOLD OUT
Soca Warriors - SOLD OUT


(photos are from Dragons mass and release D Riddim Website above)

Indigenous Chichen Itza - SOLD OUT (the green and blue)
Snowy Owl Mount Everest - SOLD OUT (the white one)
Aurora Borealis Northern lights - SOLD OUT (the black one)

Berber Female Backline - SOLD OUT 
Amazon Female and Male Backline / Female and Male Frontline - SOLD OUT
Inca Female Backline / Female and MaleFrontline - SOLD OUT
Fawn Frontline - SOLD OUT
Dwsari Male Backline


(photos are from Trini posse's Website above)

Opening Ceremony - SOLD OUT

POISON UK out of Poisons 12 Sections this year only 2 have SOLD get in there all the last minute masqueraders ...

Dynasty - SOLD OUT
Bajan Revellers Everlasting flame - SOLD OUT


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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.