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Wednesday 12 September 2012

Notting Hill Carnival Review!!!!! yes yes Finally

Finally (2 weeks 2 late lol lol ) I'm doing this review on my 2012 NHC experience...more so about the bands I played with.

Sunday Mas

Played with :  Pure Lime -Chocolate mas

Sunday mass has always been an enjoyable day for me and this year hasn't failed.

Meeting point: As always, meeting the band was easy to find. I believed we left the meeting point on time...(i guess) i was too busy drinking and enjoying myself  before we even left the meeting point to chip down the road ,to study what time it was, lol lol lol.

Costume / Goodie bag : not much can be said , just the usual t shirt and same standard Goodie bag items,condom,tea samples,cup etc. nothing spectacular.

Food and drink: we were served breakfast, lunch and snacks. The food tasted ok , but once again it was pelau (every year *sigh*), i know pelau is the easiest to make for the masses, but please please another dish next year.
Drinks was on flow from early and i had no problems getting any drinks. Thumbs up!

Music: On point ,besides for the constant chipping music (i.e very groovy, slow Soca) we needed a bit more fast tune/ wuk up tunes. Other than that was still good vibes.

Security: This is where I would say my only major grievance is. I didn't  think they had enough security or that they were doing their jobs well , so there were a lot of stormers in the band and because it was chocolate mass , the  stormers were already covered in chocolate so its was hard to tell who really supposed to be in the band or not so i was annoyed  that after i paid for my enjoyment , the stormers came in their numbers and enjoyed just as much as me or even more for free....which has me thinking should i even bother to pay next year??? Not play,PAY!!!! Lol lol 

Vibe / Atmosphere : despite the stormers...the vibe was great. 

Monday Mas

Played with :  Euphoria Carnival

As this was a new band expectations were high,not only from me but from many of my friends and other masqueraders.  Euphoria linked them selves with Tribe in Trinidad and that made everyone expect a Tribe standard of costume and customer service. Having said that ,these are the collective thoughts of myself and friends that played with Euphoria

Goodie bag : love the choice of the Box/Bag type that we got our costumes in,that was very original compared to the the other bands i have played with before. The Goodie bag which was a branded euphoria knapsack contained a bandanna,cup,pot of olives, trolley pound key-chain,spa voucher,condom, Euphoria tattoo and notepad. I must admit i thought we would have gotten more things in it,i was a little disappointed with that but at least they made up with the quality of the items we received. 

Costume : Pretty mas -The standard and quality of the costumes and head pieces far exceeded most of the other bands at Nottinghill Carnival.The Choice of colours for a first year beautiful and look magnificent on the road, although the bra and pantie came up a bit on the small side.

Party woman - Again, Euphoria topped it with the  “fun mas” design it was wayyyyyyyy better than other bands i have come across at NHC in years. Keeping away from the t-shirts sections and random mixes of any costume goes, was a brilliant decision. The idea of a hot shorts with a piece of cloth to design however you wanted was another great touch. My only Suggestion on this is that for some people who aren't that creative a few more videos can be posted on FB or a leaflet in the goodie bag on ideas to tie or cut the fabric would have been great. Also the addition of neck, arm and leg pieces for the fun mas 'party woman' really made you get your monies worth.

Meeting point : After receiving this information quite late finding the meeting point wasn't a problem. Suggestion! send that information out before or make sure all masqueraders have a printed copy in their Costume bag.

Food and drink: we got served breakfast, lunch and a couple snacks on the way although not everyone got snacks.I am not even sure if announcements were made or not but not everyone were aware they had more snacks options other than Corn Soup, which tasted great but wasn't even enough.                                    The Lunch although it tasted good I honestly wished I had the other option.(just being tired of eating pelau)  From what i understand there was another option i believe macaroni pie and something, but to be honest I wasn't even told or asked what option , i was just given a container of pelau. And as i mentioned above for Sunday Mas Pelau AGAIN .we need to get other lunch option for carnival..PLEASE!! 

Drinks However was on point, premium NON STOP drinks ,and bar staff walking around the band giving shots...that was fantastic....I enjoyed getting drunk with Euphoria :D

Music: All the Djs were brilliant (DJ Markee, Kern & Baddis sounds) I even shocked myself  as the dance music set they played at some point was fantastic. 
Having Machel on The Truck Made My day. That was an unexpected and pleasant surprise .. :D

Security:  Unlike Sunday Mas there was evidence there was a heavy security presence and boy were they tough clearly they were very committed to their job. Great job!!.

Vibe / Atmosphere : Excellent one of the best experiences i have had at Nottinghill Carnival. Well done on a 1st year in the game.

How was your carnival experience?


  1. Good thing only two weeks late lol...

    But great review!

    1. better late than never lol

      who did u play with?

  2. I didn't this year, last year I did with Triniposse. Didn't do jouvert though. Next year I totally intend to get the full Carnival experience



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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.