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Thursday 31 May 2012

Shipwrecked Gossip!!!!

Well i thought Poison and Euphoria were late on the band Launch Front, but Shipwrecked take d cake.....up to now they haven't said a date they launching, and they keep dropping hints apparently of their theme this year 'Island Love'.... i still waiting to see Island love Costumes.

As i was in Berlin the weekend of Shipwrecked 1st After work Lime for the 2012 Season,i obviously wasn't able to attend but i heard it changed venues from Bar Soho to Upstairs Jewel In Piccadilly Circus, which is a smaller venue...but it was ram out i was told.

Keep Checking Events Calender to the left for Dates of the next AWL....

AHHHHHH GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Euphoria Carnival Band Launch date

So  Euphoria has finally announced its Band Launch date , and we can confirm its on the 14th June 2012 @ the Piccadilly Institute.  It is apparently invite only to a select few .... hmmm Tribe All the way yes!!!!!.....But doh worry i get my invite so i dey with meh camera and note pad to come back and report to you all :) lol lol

So a piece of gossip on the Costume; apparently their costume supposed to based on a mix of styles of 2011 Tribe costumes. So you know i had to review meh 2011 costume pic files, and if they really did take any ideas from that year......boy oh boy...the rest of the UK bands better watch out...cause Euphoria will be hottttt.

Another piece of torii!!! (gossip , their costumes Colours : is Teal and Purple. I am loving the colour theme already, i already picturing my version of the costume in my head. So Euphoria better come good..

So stay tuned for their band launch photos...


Immmmm Back : Berlin Recap

I'm Backkkk and Berlin Carnival was fantastic!!!!!! It almost felt as though i was still in the UK, for Nottinghill Carnival . The vibe was d same, allot of Londoners made that trip and the GERMANS...weyyyy sah they well embraced Soca and Dancheall music, and they could wine as good as we Trinis.. That vibe from the Germans was priceless.

All the fetes went till the 7 or 10 am, their motto ' they not shutting off music until d last man standing' lol lol

A round up of the events
Carnival Friday Concert the 25th May 2012 -  @  Festsal Kreuzberg , supposedly with blaxx (who didn't turn up , but wasn't missed ) and a list of DJ`s ; Jam Masters, Deejay Spice, Lou Weed and The Soca Twins.

Carnival Saturday  26th May 2012 - During the day @ C-Club yard Annual Bbq lime
                                                          During the night @ C-Club, Carnival Glow Ft Rupee

Carnival Sunday 27th May 2102 - During the day on the road Street Parade
During the night @ Yamms After Party, ft Bunji Garlin, Fay Ann Lyons, Deville, and a host of Dj's

My verdict on Berlin Carnival..i loveee ettttt and i will be back next year :)

here you will find some pics i took of different bands on the road ,and a link for some pics from uksoca scene

See More Photos UKSocaScene

Hope you enjoy the Photos.....

Thursday 24 May 2012

Off to Berlin !!!

Hey everyone, i will be off to Berlin Carnival from Tomorrow so don't expect any posts till next Tuesday when i am back.

I will be sure to have loads of pics and a full report on some events and on the road....its sure to be a good weekend.

  1. Also Still to come, info on UK J`ouvert Bands. 
  2. More Gossip on Euphoria
  3. Shipwrecked Carnival
  4. Poison Carnival
  5. SOLD OUT Sections in some of the Top Bands
So ,Enjoy allyuh weekend.

AH GONE!!!!!!!

Monday 21 May 2012

Berlin Carnival

Berlin Carnival the 25th May - 28th May

Who going!!!!!!! let me know

Euphoria Carnival Update!!!!!!

So, i know you all want more information on Euphoria, as i have had few emails asking questions.

I can only say i was able to see an unfinished copy of their costume and even in the unfinished stages it looks good.

And sources say that the band launch will probably be the end of May, so soon!!!!!!! and somewhere in Central London, easy access......

I cant wait!!!!!!!

AH GONE!!!!!!!


As Most band have already Launched there 2012 Presentations production is already under way, and interest in the costumes a great as a few bands have already sold out some sections, Trini Posse and Bacchanalia Mas to name a few....

Stay logged on, will give you all a listing of each band and the sections which are sold out soon.

AH GONE!!!!!!!!

Poison UK - sneak peak

So as we await the 1st June for the unveiling of costumes i have a little surprise for you guys.....  i have a sneak peek of 1 of poison 8 sections, YES you read right ... Poison UK apparently have 8 sections this year... LARGE BAND ON D lol

Anyway take a look at this pic, what do you think?
I thinking looking good, looking like front line, looking expensive, looking like poison go be no1. hmmmmm lemme doh rush is only a sneak of 1 costume 7 more yet to be seen.

what you think???????? 

Forgotten band ' Shipwrecked carnival'

Wait!!!! wait!!!! wait!!!!! I know I forgot a band... Shipwrecked!!!!

Well there was no talk bout shipwrecked 2012 presentation, so it was like they were non existent...until i start to hear talk about a possible theme 'Island love'..... watch this space!!

No word yet on their launch but I'm guessing it will be soon as they have started back their After work Lime.


SCORCH Magazine & Shipwrecked Crew Friday After Work Lime

25th May upstairs Bar Soho 23-25 Compton Street, W1D 5JL

Sooooooo DJ Hyppa Hoppa is said to be in Collaboration with this SCORCH event .Well this is a good way for shipwrecked to try pull the crowd, because they pick the weekend of Berlin Carnival, so i do hope its a successful start to there regular Friday AWL.

doh worry i will keep yall posted.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Burrokeets Band Launch

Burrokeets has Launched and it was a great night for all. Launching in the Heart of London at the Holiday Inn which was a great venue. Great turn out, great vibe, and the food was very impressive.
The Performance from Farmer Nappy had the crowd wild. Soca Prince Dr Jay from Toronto continued hyping up the crowd.. I must say it was good band Launch

No No No i aint forget ....The costumes!!
I say good costumes for a band that's been around for almost 20yrs...see for yourself...

Doh worry i will be uploading the official pics soon... but what do you think about their 2012 presentation so far?

For more information please check out Burrokeets Website.

Photo for UK Soca scene.

Friday 11 May 2012

Where is Poison????????

It Seems like Poison is d Last Band to Launch their 2012 presentation....hmmmmmm could it be that they weren't prepared and ready to showcase or could it be they want everything in tip top shape that they taking all care to bring us the best costumes for Notting hill??????

Whatever reason i know everybody eagerly awaiting for one of the Notting hill Top Mass bands...

Ohhhh and d bucket man will be here to help Poison Launch their this launch/fete already looking like it will be

So on the 1st June we shall see ALL THAT IS POISON

Another launch coming up!!!

Burrokeets is set to have their 2012 band launch on the 12th May at the Holiday Inn in Bloomsbury. (who say posh!!!! lol lol)
Looks like another dinner,show and After Party event with tickets priced at £45 wow!!!!!

Farmer Nappy is set to perform with Dj Martin Jay,DJ Bliss,Dr Jay and Shakatak on the bill.

Apparently to purchase tickets you need to contact a committee member, but don't worry i have that info for you guys : Sharon on 07958 297 620 or email her

I'll be  sure to get some pics of their stay tuned...

AH GONE!!!!!!!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

New Band - Euphoria Carnival

So its official there is a new band to hit the streets of Notting Hill for 2012

Euphoria Carnival the website is up with a teaser intro to wet we appetite :)

And with Confirmation from the website ,Tribe Carnival is behind the 2012 Designs for this band.
Do I hear Collaboration ????????

Well with Tribe on board this can only be an eagerly anticipated Band Launch for London.and my sources say the launch will be very soon so i will keep you all posted.

See image below

Busspepper 9th Anniversary

On the Sunday 6th of May 2012 Busspepper held their 9th Anniversary Party at Sway Bar and Nightclub in Central London.

Reviews: Parking was a nightmare, the venue from the outside looked a little posh, so that was a plus straight away. There was a champagne reception for the early birds, but as usual i missed that. As you walked into the club I was very surprised at how bright the dance-floor was.There were too many lights on in the main room that at times the vibes wasn't there. The second room was appropriately lit for a club and dance-hall was pumping every time I went into that room and I was happy with that.
Dj's on the night were both great, I could never fault the skills of Dj Markee and Dj Lyrical Louix.

But with the despite the lights and the heat all in all I would say it was a Great night for BP :)

D Insider Talk : I not even sure if anyone noticed the announcement of the New Band Euphoria Carnival
It was casually slipped in by one of the djs ; 'New begingings ,look out for Euprioa Carniavl on the road' (or something along those lines) but i didn't miss a bit I was  tuned into everything so I heard that announcement

So Stay Tuned for more 'D Insider Talk' on this new Band

Photos from Busspepper can be found here on UK Soca Scene and Trini Jungle Juice

Flagz Mass Band Launch

Flagz Mass Band Launched their 2012 presentation on the 4th of May at their regular venue Excelsior Night Club.

See photos from the Launch at Soca Scene

The showcased 2 costumes 1 male and 3 female options.

Photos from UK Soca Scene

What are your thoughts ? would love to hear from you,leave a comment or email.


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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.