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Tuesday 9 April 2013

UCOM Unveils 2013 Costumes

UCOM with Island Vibes Mas launched their 2013 NHC presentation on the 6th April (weekend gone)  in the City.
Their 2013 Theme : 'The Essence of....'
Offering 6 sections : Life, Magic, Island Vibes, Carnival,Love and Sea  with prices ranging from £150 (male price - £395 
For pictures from the  launch see Here and  Trinisinlondon
For more details on the costumes see Facebook and Website ( please note their website will be launching 14.04.13)








My Favorites : Has to be Island vibes, and not because of those ever so popular wings but i have always loved those colours on a costume,lime green and different shades of blue...yep yep...we have got a winner :)
My likes in order of (best to ummm not sooo likey lol ) : island vibes,Carnival,Magic,Life,Love,Sea

Overall Thoughts: WOW!!!!!!! i think that should sum it Another bar is set. I absolutely love the colour Choices for Carnival's Headpiece and Island Vibes Costume.
As i have mentioned before,competition is very high this year as all the Mas bands have stepped up there game far these presentations are screaming Trinidad Look out!!! ha ha ha ... Well done UCOM

Side Note!!!!!! So my only little grumble is the lack of originality in the use of the Butterfly Wings as it was the main theme For one of the Major Bands in Trinidad 'Tribe Carnival 2013' . It was so popular and heavily focused on at the beginning of this year that this just seems a copycat, despite the rest of the costume is not, and the wings work well, but when i saw it all i thought was Tribe, then i was won over by the colour choices of the costume. But still there was that pause and doubt because of that ' Copycat element' I do wonder if they couldn't have designed a different back pack.(just a thought)

UCOM is not the only band to showcase Wings for 2013 Release the Riddim also featured it as one of their sections for 2013

            TRIBE 2013                                                           UCOM 2013


  1. i think your blog is great and its cool we finally have a UK version of Trinidad carnival diary,
    but i would like to dispute the whole wings thing! this picture was from Bachanal Mas in 2008 as you maybe aware bachanal mas is now UCOM, you may also notice butterfly wings this picture taken in the 80's was from peter minshalls band Papillion also featuring butterflies, my one gripe is in carnival when bands are critiqued Tribe seems to be the start and end of Costume concepts and colours, although other bands have done it before, the only thing that has been copied from is a living insect a butterfly, please try and do some research before reaching conclusions on costumes as you will find hardly any concepts these days are original.......

    1. Thank you very much for reading my blog, and for your personal and honest opinions.

      I am fully aware that Bacchanal Mas is UCOM, and that previous bands have designed butterfly inspired costumes and that Peter Minshall focused his entire band ‘Papillon’ on the Butterfly design in 1982. And just to clarify, in no way shape or form is Tribe my be all and end all as I don’t even play with Tribe when I go home for Carnival.
      My referencing Tribes ‘Butterfly, Beast and Bacchanal’ themed Butterfly costumes, was only because it was a mere 2 months ago we were faced with an entire band of butterflies and this particular butterfly wings was (in my opinion) a bit similar to Tribes compared to Minshalls entire band 31years ago.

      So just to clear up, my opinions on the wings was mainly because it was just 2 months ago we were heavily bombarded with butterfly wings,and that Tribes butterflies would be fresh on peoples mind and the use of wings seemed copy cat (if it were another band that produced a band full of butterflies, 2 months ago I still would have compared them)

      But we are all free to have our opinions, and the wings was my only gripe with UCOM, as i still praised them for their fantastic 2013 theme, use of colours, and designs for all their sections. I am a UCOM fan.



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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.