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Friday 21 June 2013

Euphoria Carnival unveils 2013 Costumes

Euphoria Finally Launched !!! Another Band that had to rescheduled their original Launch Date from 16th May to the 20th June. And the crowds came out in their numbers to see what Euphoria had to offer NHC 2013.... and from the census last night, no one was disappointed.

Their 2013 theme Dreamcatcher which was designed and produced by Tribe ( anyone remembers their 1st Launch Flyer said costumes designed by Anya? now it says designed by Tribe hmmmmm is that the reason for postponing the Launch, someone couldn't provide????? hmmmm questions questions) 


A few pics from the launch

more pics here

My Favourites : I am Definitely Liking 'Aiyta' (The red Costume) but i prefer the headpiece for 'Aiyana' (The orange costume)

Overall Thoughts: Unlike most bands that take costumes from Trinidad Mas Bands and pass off as their own Euphoria and Funatick were the few that Advertised the costumes as being designed and produce by their Trini kudos.
Now lets see ,Overall thoughts, these costumes are so Tribe(esque) and they look great, as i mention b4 i love the Red costume, although i am not a fan of the headpiece, i am not a huge fan of the small headpieces either, but that's just my opinion...i guess one can wear the red costume without headpiece no? lol lol lol . 
I would however have liked to see a full male pretty costume as well as their party man section ....Maybe for next year they can think of doing that for the guys.
Euphoria it was well worth the wait.

So its Safe to say all launches are over now, so its time for all the fetes, AWL and preparations leading up to Notting Hill Carnival 2013 ...see you on d road :D

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Rotterdam Carnival In Pictures

For those who missed out on Rotterdam Carnival ( Zomercarnival ) last weekend here are a few pics to show you what you've missed :)

photo credits 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Rotterdam Carnival Weekend is here!!!!!!

Rotterdam Summer Carnival (Zomercarnaval) is the annual 3-day Caribbean festival ,it is a huge street Parade that emerges in the city on Saturday and at night the partying doesn't stop. So for those who already booked their coaches, plane tickets and bought their costumes , i say have FUNNN this weekend and for those last minute ones #getonit...

For those last minute Carnival Jumbies here are some coaches you may want to consider,

The Arawak Rotterdam Carnival Weekender : info and tickets here

Rotterdam Carnival Flagz Soca Coach , this one is sold out, but if you like to blag or beg maybe you can try see if anyone cancelled. : info and tickets here

Some Fetes to consider 
Queen of carnival competition 
this particular flyer is for one of the queens representing 'kingdoms under the sun' info here if interested

Float- The Boat Fete , info and tickets here

Pre Party - Socalicious , info and tickets here

Zoomercarnival After party ; info and tickets here

Saturday 8 June 2013

Poison UK unveils 2013 costumes updated!!!!!

Updated Post
OKAY!!!!! so i have updated these Poison UK pics to their official costume photos and i think, i may have been too hasty with my comments in my original post on a few of these costumes ...yes yes ,i can admit when i have misjudged or made a mistake on a few things :D

White Knights








Diamanta Desire







Red Carpet



Ok lets see.... i still think Enigma Vibes costumes are in my top favourite, but looking at these costumes when not shot in a dark club and at bad camera angles the other costumes look a whole lot better than from the launch photos. White Knights can be head to head for my top favourite with enigma vibe, there is definitely something about a pure white costumes with silver detailing that just looks good. My next favourite is Diamanta Desire, i more particularly like the men's costume and the female headpiece in this section. Red Carpet is next but only because i like the monokini idea and large headpiece. I still don't like the bedazzled and the Glamour section. I personally think the female Glamour section could be redone to get rid of that frilly neckline and the god awful garter....but to each is own... im am sure there are loads of people that will fancy it, its just not my cup of tea. I must give poison credit as all the male costumes look really good,Its always good to see male costumes looking like costumes and not just a t shirt.

Original Post
After a rocky start by postponing their 2013 Launch originally carded for the 25th May,Poison UK finally were able to showcase their  2013 'Glitz and Glam' theme on 7th June @ Club Colosseum in Vaxhaul

photo credits : UK Soca Scene check them out for  pics on the event
and also Poison uk  and here

My Favourites : Hmmmmm my choice from this lot will have to be Enigma Vibes Sections ... in order of favourites to least favourites Enigma vibe (blue/teal section) , black and gold, Dynasty (white and silver), the red section then the Pink section

Overall Thoughts: where to begin *sigh* ok first things first i am not quite sure why poison advertised 14 sections when i only see 5 sections (am i wrong?), and please don't tell me Enigma Vibes same colour section with different female options is classed as separate sections. steups!!!! Overall i think Enigma Vibe has the best out of the bunch although a bit too busy with beads, bling and straps for me, but still the best of the lot. The other sections are good except the pink one which looks very amateur to me, it doesn't really look like a poison standard costume, so that pink one is quite disappointing.  In my Opinion Enigma vibes has saved poison this year,without Enigma as part of the team,it would have been a total let down for me, especially as i do like Poison UK band as a whole, so Thank You Enigma Vibe.


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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.