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Monday 9 September 2013

2013 NHC Road Review

Yes 2 weeks 2 late lol  I'm doing this review based on mine and a few others 2013 NHC experience...more so about the bands we played with and road experience

Sunday Mas

Played with :  Pure Lime -Chocolate mas

Sunday mass has always been an enjoyable day for me and this year hasn't failed.

Meeting point: As always, meeting the band was easy to find. I believed we left the meeting point on time...(i guess) i was too busy drinking and enjoying myself  before we even left the meeting point ,to study what time it was, lol lol lol.

Costume / Goodie bag : a bit disappointing. we definitely got more stuff in lasts years bag :(. We got the usual t shirt , plastic goodie drawstring bag  with 1 tea sample and a 1 coffee sample,and the usually cup (water bottle), that's it... booooooo.

Food and drink: we were served breakfast, lunch and snacks. The food tasted good, i wasn't keen on the dry bread and cheese for breakfast, but heard the saltish and bake tasted great , but once again it was pelau for lunch (every year *sigh*), that went down good, i think i was way too drunk to care it was pelau again, just needed something in my system to soak up the lol but as i recapping now, i really do wish for a different dish next it too much to ask? lol lol  My only problem with the food bit was the corn soup at the end, i definitely think there should be a better system for the distribution of the soup...people screaming, no queues, people coming from all sides ,getting their soup before those who was already in the front ... wasn't a happy bunny. but in the end the soup tasted great.
Drinks was flowing from early, although i heard a few drinks ran out early, but there were still a good bit of alcohol substitutions that could have been made so all wasn't lost and i had no problems getting any drinks at all. Thumbs up for that!

Music: On point ,think this was the best on d road music ever experienced on a Sunday mass.. I wine from meeting point till the music shut off lol was real vibes on the road.

Security: Compared to last year they definitely had more security this year but still had the randoms who were already covered in chocolate so its was hard to tell who really supposed to be in the band or not. ahh well

Vibe / Atmosphere : Fantastic, one of the best Sunday Mas experiences ever.

Monday Mas  (the views of a few)

Played with :  Euphoria Carnival

No longer a new band, the expectations were still high, hoping they can keep up or surpass last years expectations.Euphoria linked them selves again with Tribe and that definitely made everyone expect the same Tribe standard of costume and customer service.
Having said that ,these are the collective thoughts of myself ,friends and a few emails i have received re review that played with Euphoria.

Goodie bag : This year there were two types of  holdalls the costume came in  either a Caribbean airlines sponsored bag or a carnival 2 strap box which contained, the bra,belt,panty,arm band, knee band, wrist bands . Then you also received another bag 'The Goodie bag' which was a branded euphoria knapsack and contained a bandanna,cup,condoms, Euphoria tattoo,glitter,dinner voucher,alcohol unit measure cup ,magazine, travel card holder, sunglasses, and lanyard. I was impressed with the stuff we got this year..much better than last year. The only Problem with the Distribution process was the late collection and change of collection times and lack of up to date correspondence.

Costume : Pretty mas -The standard and quality of the costumes and head pieces were a bit disappointing for Tribe, as they designed and produced these costumes, I am not sure what went wrong, as Tribe got all the sizes wrong, and a few people seemed to have different designs for their bras an belts...what was that about??????...Euphoria i think you all should have a serious word with Tribe about the production cause it definitely wasn't up to Tribes standard and that can reflect negatively on y'all as an independent band in the UK.

Party woman - Again, Euphoria topped it with the  “fun mas” option. I think that wrap idea is something that works well for on the road, for a cover up and cheaper Mass option ... I guess they took my Advice from last year to provide masqueraders with ideas of how to wrap their fun mas top ...ha ha h ha i taking credit for that eh!!!! lol lo lol  Also the addition of a fringe, head band and arm and leg pieces for the fun mas 'party woman' really made you get your monies worth.

Meeting point : We received the information and meeting point pack earlier than last year so that was a big plus.Finding the meeting point wasn't a problem at all. We however we did leave the meeting point quite late, not sure why.

Food and drink: We got served breakfast, lunch and a couple snacks. For Breakfast there were 3 options, bake and fried fish , bake and salt fish and/or porridge, i had the bake and salt fish, although it tasted great it wasn't enough at all i swore the serving was for a little lol but to be fair they did give you porridge with it as well, but still who eating porridge on d road...yukkk!!! lol lol . For lunch we got rice and peas and jerk chicken,,,yayyy!!! no lol that lunch tasted great but a little more gravy next time nah.... (yes im critical).
Later on in the day some Euphoria staff passed around serving crisps, biscuits and ice cream.

Drinks was great this year, although one emailed review said coconut water ran out early , i had no problem with the drinks as they were served round the clock, except when food was serving ,and bar staff walking around the band giving shots...that was fantastic

Music:   As usual all the Djs were brilliant, this year there we guest Appearances from Bunji and Faye Anne, that was nice.

Security:  Unlike Sunday Mas there was evidence there weren't much security presence but the few they had, they worked real  hard boy, cause i didn't see many stragglers in the band at all ,you were definitely able to enjoy the band

Vibe / Atmosphere :  Despite the distribution and costume issue from Tribe ..I must say Euphoria does know how to give their masqueraders a fantastic 'on the road' experience. I had the best time on the road. and for that i thank you Euphoria :) , 2013 was a great my Carnival Tabanca hit meh, and it hit meh lol  

Thanks to those that emailed in their thoughts unfortunately they were anonymous comments so i just added in their bits and pieces

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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.