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Sunday 21 April 2013

New Band!!!! FUNATIK Unveils their 2013 Costumes

Funatik the new band on the road for 2013  launched their 2013 NHC presentation on the 20th April  @ The Holiday Inn in Bloomsbury
Their 2013 Theme : 'Initium Novum'  ; Latin for New Beginning  and boasting 4 sections :

For pictures from the launch see Here 
For more details on their costumes see Facebook and Website 

Photo taken from Funatiks

Caribbean Dawn - Front-line


Crazy Evolution - Front-line



D Party Start - Front-line 



Fantasy Reincarnation - Front-line


My Favourite : Has to be Crazy Evolution. I absolutely love the use of  the fabric and the draping design of the regular section,ohhh and the 'crazy' mix of colours are equally vibrant and colourful, yet not overdone.

Overall Thoughts:  This is a fantastic presentation from the new band on the block Funatik, Ronnie and Caro really did a great job for them. As I have mentioned in previous posts 2013 has all ready proved to be a great year , as every mas band so far as stepped up their design game and produced costumes on par with the likes of big Bands From Trinidad.
Yes Yes a few bands may have had a little design or production help from some Trinidad designer and Mas Makers, but they didn't hold back at all with their creativity or quality for a Non Trinidad Carnival Band.

Side Note!!!!!! just want to welcome Funatik to NHC and from the looks of their fantastic designs this will be a rewarding carnival season for them :)

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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.