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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Trini Posse UK unveils 2013 Costumes

Trni Posse UK launched their 2013 Presentation 'Deja Vu -Celebration of Life' on 20th April at the Sterling Bar. The Trini Posse Team did not disappoint with their fantastic vibe, atmosphere and their red carpet costume presentation affair. Great Job!!

Please see the Trini Posse UK website more information on their 4 Section Pretty Mas Costumes and their 2 Fun Mas Sections
Photos From the Launch Can be found on Trinis In London 

My Favourites : hmmm this is a tough one, but my choice has to be, the blue and gold winged/cape section.
*picture this* the sun shining on those wings/cape on the road for NHC , yessssssss! now that  is beauty. 

Overall Thoughts: Well done Trini posse, they did not disappoint at all. I absolutely love the colour choices used for each section, and the head piece designs for the blue and for the teal and purple section are gorgeous. I also love that twist on the usual boring t-shirt section. The tie-dye/splash ripped T-shirt , Great Job!!

Side Note!!!!!! so i may get another comment about my opinions again but heyyy, that's the beauty of these blogs, everyone doesn't have to agree with my thoughts... so here goes :) 

Despite how much i may like the sections and colour choices, it seems i always have to find something negative to write about My first thought when i saw Trini Posse's fun mas section was ' hmmmm that reminds me of Euphoria's pretty woman/fun mas section last year', ha ha ha  i know , i know its not exactly the same thing, but I must admit, I automatically thought ha! they tweaked the Euphoria Design Granted the design is not original anyway, as many Trinidad bands have used the wrap style for Monday Mas before, but still you can see some similarities ...even the Colours are from the same lol 
But have a look at them side by side, thoughts?????


NHC 2013 is going to be EPIC  :D  


in light of the comments from 'Anonymous' in comment box below these are the pics he/she referred to
Exact Costumes From Spice Carnival 2011 and 2012 




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Nottinghill Carnival

Notting Carnival is one of Europe's Biggest Street festival and is always celebrated on the August Bank Holiday where every year the streets of West London come alive, with the sounds and smells of Europe’s biggest street festival. Twenty miles of vibrant colorful costumes surround over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls,over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

The Notting Hill Carnival usually gets under way on the Saturday with the steel band competition. Sunday is Kids’ Day. On the Bank Holiday Monday, the main parade takes place. It generally begins on Great Western Road, then winds its way along Chepstow Road, on to Westbourne Grove, and then Ladbroke Grove. In the evening, the floats leave the streets in procession, and people carry continue partying at the many Notting Hill Carnival after parties.